
Permitting Process
The Two Rivers Watershed District adopted Rules in 1981, amended them in 1997, and recently made further amendments in 2015. These Rules govern projects which have a potential effect on the water resources of the District and specifically relate to drainage, flood control, water use, and water quality. Projects of this type require a permit from the Two Rivers Watershed District before any work is done.
Permitting Fee
There is no charge for the permit, however projects which are commenced or completed without a permit will require a $500 fee, plus field inspection fees. Some specific works that require permits are listed below. A complete set of Rules and a permit application form can be obtained at the District office in the Kittson County Courthouse in Hallock, MN –Contact us today!
Do I need a permit?
The following require a permit:
(a) Any sanitary sewer system which discharges to surface water, storm sewer, or other major utility project which affects surface water within the district.
(b) Any street, road, or highway construction project which by means of its construction has any effect on the quality or quantity of water runoff.
(c) Any construction or alteration of any drain tile or drainage ditch that drains an area in excess of 20 acres.
(d) (1) Any works which include draining, filling, excavating, or dredging of any type 3, 4, 5, or 8 wetland as defined by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Circular 39. (e) Any construction or alteration of any bridge, dike, culvert, or drain across any drainageway, lake, wetland, or other water body.
(f) Any artificial or mechanical transfer of water from a water source including but not limited to gravel pits, ponds, rivers, wetlands, and other reservoirs consistent with the general purposes of the District.
(g) Any artificial drainageway cut across a subwatershed to thereby deliver water into another subwatershed.
(h) Any drainage of water by any artificial means into any legal drainage system from any land not assessed to that drainage system.
(i) Construction, alteration, or removal of any dike or reservoir.
(j) Any other acts that, in the opinion of the Watershed District, may tend to alter the quantity of runoff, affect the public health, or have any impact, whether adverse or not, upon the surface water or ground water resources of the district.