Springbrook / CR #61

About Springbrook / CR #61


Severe and repeated overland flooding, erosion, and sedimentation has been taking place in a 10 square mile area in Springbrook and Davis Townships in Kittson County.  After several landowner meetings to discuss the problem and possible solutions, it was decided that a 250’ wide area with a meandering channel and set back levies on either side would be constructed / re-established in the area.  The area also was planned to be seeded to a native grass mixture.  Utilizing a grant from FEMA, funding from the CRP program, local landowners, and watershed district funds, the project was designed and construction initiated along a 3.75 mile stretch of waterway.  The project provides erosion control and will also prevent overland flooding for up to a 10 year event.


This is a photo of a flood control project we constructed, known as “Springbrook / CR #61”.  It utilized funding from FEMA, the TRWD, and the CRP program to construct a dike set back from County Road #61, with a constructed meandering channel between the dike and the road.  It has flood control and natural resources benefits, and restores more natural hydrology.